How to Tap Into Your Inner Guidance
Many people use the words, claircognizance (clear knowing), clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), and clairsentience (clear feeling). These metaphysical senses supplement your five physical senses.
Some use “intuition”, “gut feeling” or other words to describe our knowing and sensing things outside of the five senses.
In this program you will learn about the four main gifts that are available to you. The four “clair” gifts are your natural gifts. Use may be using them now and not even know it. We will go over each of those four gifts and as a special bonus you will receive an activation for each of these gifts.
We will be working with the Divine Guidance team called The Present Ones. For those that wish to receive those four gifts, or a single one of them, we will share with you a Divine Activation for that gift. You will receive the keys and codes that you need to open up these gifts so you are able to start using them immediately.
You will be receiving information and directions on how to receive guidance from cards, such as animal cards or angel cards. You will learn about muscle testing which also can be used to pick up guidance. We will even cover how to use a pendulum for guidance as well.
These three tools, are great to receive answers or even to use for confirming answers that you receive while you are expanding your other four natural gifts.
With your four natural gifts activated and the information on the other three tools you will be well equipped to receive your Inner Guidance for a lifetime. This leads you to a worry free life of making clear decisions for you and your family or even your business.
This is an amazing program that is for everyone who wants to experience receiving crystal clear inner guidance. Inner guidance is the best way to find answers to your daily life or even business questions. This is a truly remarkable and valuable program. It gives you not only information to use, but also the spiritual connection that is very natural for every human being.