Good morning Dear Ones!

A lovely way to start your Sunday is by calling in your angels and guides to be a part of it.

Sunday is the day we can focus on our Angel Raphael.  Raphael is able to do many things for us.  When I think of this angel I see HEALING. I also see the HARMONY and BALANCE of the body, mind and spirit.  Today though, our focus will be on HEALING and how Raphael will help us with that.

Most of us, need healing in some area of our lives.  This can include physical healing, mental healing and spiritual healing.  All three areas need to work in harmony if we want to be a healthy human being.

With Raphael’s help we can achieve health.  We would be able to be the person that God intended us to be.  When we are healthy in all areas, we are then free to help others to achieve this too.  We would naturally be happy and loving to ourselves and others too.

Would you like to achieve the health of our body, mind and spirit?  I highly recommend Raphael to support you in this.

All you need to do, is to ASK for help.  You can say something as simple as this: “Dear Arch Angel Raphael, please help me to heal in all areas of my body, mind and spirit, so that I can be happy and whole again. Please help me with this, since I cannot do this alone.  Help me to know where I need healing and have it healed. Thank you.”

YES, it is as easy as that.  Keep your eyes and ears open then, for this angel to speak to you. Start to notice areas that are bothering you.  They may be coming to your attention to be healed.

Blessings, Barbara Marie



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